Shelter for the homeless

Our shelter is not just a place to sleep and get daily meals. Nochlezhka’s lawyers and social workers help people sort out their papers, get admitted to care homes, find a job and a place to live


About the Shelter 

Why we do it

It is a lot easier for a homeless person to get back to a stable life when they don’t have to worry every day about where to sleep and what to eat. Living in decent conditions, support fr om our social workers, lawyers and therapists are all part of the rehabilitation fr om injuries and traumas of the months or years spent on the street.

How it works

People move into the shelter only after a personal interview with a social worker. There are two conditions on which a homeless person can be accommodated:

1) there is a free bed in the shelter;

2) we understand how we can help the homeless person and what our common goals will be.

People spend from two weeks to up to a year in our shelter depending on how complicated their case and the plan of assistance we have developed are. People spend 4-5 months in Nochlezhka on average.

The shelter is not just a place to sleep and regular meals, it is also a rehabilitation centre wh ere everyone gets comprehensive support. It is done case by case, based on personal circumstances. While the person is staying at the shelter, our lawyers and social workers help them sort out their papers, find a job and a place to live, find their relatives, get admitted to a medical or a social institution or get their property back. Professional assistance from therapists who volunteer for our charity is an important part of their return to stable lives.

The cost of staying in the shelter for one person

The cost of accommodation of one person per day 748 roubles
The average time people spend in Nochlezhka 7 month
The approximate amount we spend to help one person get off the street 171 875 roubles

Operation costs of the Shelter

One day 41 976 roubles
One week 293 835  roubles
One month 1 276 784  roubles
One year 15 321 411 roubles

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